Here is my final update on my job at the company I worked for until last month.
After my last post about the job in December, everything went smoothly in 2 months and I got ready to leave the company. In 2 months, I ...
- trained my replacements.
- decided on my last day of work.
- handed in my resignation letter.
- went out for dinner with some of my colleagues.
- used all of my annual leave. (I only had 4 days left.)
It was my last working day at the company. I sent farewell messages to my boss, colleagues and customers, and I also said goodbye to each one of them as long as possible. As my last task, I initialized my computer.
The paperwork was all done and I officially quit my job.
Now I feel that 4 years passed so quickly but I learned a lot through my job. They are not only professional skills but also Japanese working style.